
 Kim's Spiritual Conversations


During my mentorship with psychic Victoria Laurie, I was using automatic writing to connect with spirits from the other side, until eventually I was able to connect with them on my own through telepathy.  My hope is that these messages reach the intended.  Here are the spirits I spoke with and their stories...

May 25, 2022

Me:  Hello, my name is Kim, do you have  a message for someone?

Spirit:  Tell my mom I'm ok.

Me:  What is your name?

Spirit:  Frank.

Me:  What is your mom's name, Frank?

Spirit:  Rose.

Me:  Is that all you would like me to tell your mom, Frank?

Spirit:  Yes.

Me:  What state does your mom live in?

Spirit:  Virginia.

Me:  How old were you when you passed?

Spirit:  19 years old.

Me:  What year was it when you passed?  

 Spirit:  1992.

Me:   He showed me an image of Hip Hop clothing and music playing.  Can you tell me how you died Frank, do you remember what happen?

Spirit:  I was messing around with my friends and I got hit by a car.  It was so stupid, we were just messing around!  (Frank did raise his voice when saying this.)

Me:  Thank you for sharing your story with me Frank.  I will let your mother know.

May 25, 2022

Spirit:  Hello.

Me:  Hello, my name is Kim, what is your name?

Spirit:  Denise.

Me:  That's a nice name.  How can I help you?

Spirit:  I want you to find my children.

Me:  O.K., what would you like me to tell them?

Spirit:  Tell them my death wasn't their fault.

Me:  Why would they think it was their fault?

Spirit:  * shows me a vision of herself in her bedroom, she had a heart attack and died in bed.  No one checked on her til the next day when she didn't get up her normal time.  They didn't know she had any trouble with her heart or health.

Me:  Where do your kids live now?  I get the feeling it's 3 kids, all girls.  You have 3 daughters?

Sprite:  Yes.  They all moved away and I lost track.

Me:  I'm so sorry Denise, I will do my best to let them know.  Thank you.

May 13, 2021

Spirit: I’m looking for Janet.

Kim: What is your name?

Spirit: Derek

Derek: Tell her I’m sorry. Sorry for begging her to stay. She wanted to leave me, to leave us.

Kim: Who’s us?

Derek: Us, our children.

Kim: Could you tell me your children’s names please?

Derek: Damon, Cindy, Larry, and Kevin.

Kim: What’s the one thing your kids would remember about you instantly?

Derek: I’m always happy. They need to know I’m ok.

May 13, 2021

Amy: (Excited, jumping up and down)

Kim: Hi Amy, do you have a message for someone?

Amy: Yes! I want my mom, parents to know, tell them I love them. My heart had a defect.

Kim: How old were you when you died?

Amy: I don’t know.

Kim: Do you know what your mom and dad’s names are?

Amy: Sylvia

Kim: What is your dad’s name? Do you know? (I heard her say happily…)

Amy: Daddy (Then she said Jim)

Kim: If you saw a clock with the numbers that went around in a circle, could you read the time? Would you know what time it is?

Amy: No (after much thought on her part). I’m sorry they were sad all the time.

Kim: Did you have any brothers and sisters?

Amy: No

May 11, 2021

Gerald: Hi my name is Gerald.

Kim: Hi Gerald, do you have a message you would like to give to someone?

Gerald: My Aunt Cassandra. Tell her I’m sorry for the way I acted during Christmas.

Kim: What happened during Christmas?

Gerald: I got drunk and said some things.

Kim: What kind of things?

Gerald: I told her I preyed on her daughter when we were younger.

Kim: What did you do Gerald?

Gerald: I kissed her and touched her in her private places.

Kim: How old was she when you did this Gerald?

Gerald: She was nine.

Kim: What is your cousin’s name Gerald?

Gerald: Lisa

Kim: How can I find your Aunt Cassandra?

Gerald: Through Facebook.

Kim: Is she in my group Gerald?

Gerald: Yes

Kim: Did you mean Lisa any harm?

Gerald: No.

Kim: Thank you Gerald, I will pass your message on.

May 11, 2021

Eddie: Hi cousin!

Kim: Who is this?

Eddie: Eddie

Kim:  My cousin Emily's son?

Eddie:  Yes.

Kim: Do you have a message you would like me to give to someone?

Eddie: Yes. Could you tell my mom that I love her and I never meant to hurt her. I was on the move; I was in danger. 

Kim: Danger from who?

Eddie: I was in danger from myself.

Kim: What happened the night you died Eddie?

Eddie: I had been drinking, and I was fooling around with a girl.

Kim: What is the girl’s name you were fooling around with?

Eddie: Tessa (At that moment he said her name I was physically pushed hard).

Kim: How did you end up crashing your car?

Eddie: I passed out.

Kim: (The impression, feeling I got was he was aware of the sudden jolt of impact. But didn’t feel or see anything as a result of the crash other than the impact jolting his body.)  Thank you Eddie for coming forward.  I will talk with your mom. 

May 9, 2021

Kim:  Hello.

Jeremy:  Hi.

Kim:  What is your name?

Jeremy:  Jeremy.

Kim:  Do you have a message for someone Jeremy?

Jeremy:  Yes.  I need to know where my mom is.

Kim:  Is your mom still alive?

Jeremy:  Yes.

Kim:  What is your mom's name?

Jeremy:  Martha.

Kim:  Where did she live when you last saw her?

Jeremy:  Iowa.

Kim:  What is your mom's last name?

Jeremy:  Atkinson.

Kim:  Does she know your dead Jeremy?

Jeremy:  Yes.  Tell her I didn't mean to leave the way I did, and I'm sorry.  Tell her I love her and my dad is with me.

Kim:  What is your dad's name?

Jeremy:  Timothy.

Kim:  Hi Timothy.  Could you tell me something only Martha would know, so she knows it's really you?  

Timothy:  I carried a pocket knife with me all the time.

Kim:  What kind of knife?

Timothy:  Folding pocket knife.

Kim:  Could you tell me something more personal please?

Timothy:  When I got excited...

Kim:  What kind of excited?  Like new car excited or sexually?

Timothy:  When I got sexually excited I would howl.

Kim:  Well, that is real personal, thank you.

Timothy:  Tell her that I love her and I'll see her soon.  


May 11, 2021

Kim:  Hello

Sarah:  Hello, my name is Sarah.

Kim:  Hi Sarah.  Do you have a message for someone?

Sarah:  Yes.  I would like to say hello to my sister.  

Kim:  What is your sister's name?

Sarah:  Jody

Kim:  Is there anything else you would like to say to Jody?

Sarah:  I love her.  My records are in the box next to the fridge.

Kim:  Thank you Sarah. 

May 5, 2021

Henry:  I don't need to tell you how much I love you, Kate.  I never meant to hurt you and if I could take it back I would.  Don't ever stop loving me.  Henry.

May 9, 2021

John:  I like to think that I can say something to my sister.

Kim:  What is your name?

John:  John

Kim:  What would you like me to tell your sister?

John:  I would like her to know that I miss her.

Kim:  What is her name?

John:  Emily, I want her to know she is always near me and doesn't even know it.

Kim:  What do you mean?  Where are you?

John:  Fireplace, my ashes are on the mantle.  My spirit is always there.

Kim:  What does your sister look like?

John:  Red hair.  She is 39 years old and lives in a town home with her boyfriend.

Kim:   What is her last name?

John:  Sorenson.

Kim:  Where does she live, city, state?

John:  New York City

Kim:  Would you like me to tell her anything else?

John:  I love her.

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